Double Boiler (1855)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Feb 2 23:31:55 UTC 2003

    Merriam-Webster has 1872 for "double boiler."  OED has 1879.
    There are some perhaps questionable earlier hits on other databases, but take a look at this near the bottom, from ACCESSIBLE ARCHIVES.

ITEM #51968
March 22, 1855
Washington, D.C., Vol. IX No. 429 P. 47


PREPARED expressly for families, a delicate and appropriate food for all seasons, and one of the most economical, nutricious, and wholesome preparations ever brought to the table, eminently combining the gratification of the palate with ample and healthful sustenance of the body.
Strictly speaking, Heckers' Farina is neither stringent nor laxative, but restorative, strengthening the digestive and absorbent system. In disordered bowels, diarrhoea, dysentery, and even in cases of cholera, when food is deemed admissable by the physicians, Heckers' Farina cannot fail to be salutary, and, wherever known, is extensively used in hospitals and private practice. The preservation of health or the prevention of sickness is at least as important as the curing of disease. People in health should therefore use Heckers' Farina freely as common food, to preserve the inestimable blessing.
For sale by grocers and druggists generally. Wholesale by Charles F. Pitts, 12 Commerce street, Baltimore; Dingee & Brother, 97 South Front street, Philadelphia; S.G. Bowdlear & Co., 17 Long Wharf, Boston; and by the manufacturers, Hecker & Brother, at the Crotou Mills, 201 Cherry street, New York.
Hecker's Farina Jelly, made in << double boilers>> , which render burning or scorching impossible, is now exhibited daily at the Fair of the Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute in Washington.

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