"kicked off the island"

Mark A. Mandel mamandel at UNAGI.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Sun Feb 9 17:40:09 UTC 2003

>From a correspondent. I found the anaphora hard to follow on the first
read, so I've added some subscripts.

-- Mark A. Mandel

---------- Forwarded message ----------

I don't watch TV, but certainly the concept from Survivor has entered
our vocabulary. Someone[1] wrote to the manager of one of our town's
mail loops about a nasty letter she[1]'d gotten from someone[2] who had
already been warned about minding her[2] manners, and cced it to me.  I
received it just after getting a phone call from the manager[3], and I
wrote this reply to her.

        --- [copy of referenced reply] ---

Just got call from [name-3], disturbed about this. Told him to kick
her[2] off the island. He can't prevent her[2] sending a letter to
someone, but he shouldn't allow his list to be used as a conduit for
hate mail. Confirmed his intuition.

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