Has any one else ever heard this explanation before?

paulzjoh paulzjoh at MTNHOME.COM
Sun Feb 16 15:37:37 UTC 2003

> In response to Mr. Livingston: Israel is not anti-Christian. It extends
> religious freedom to Christians and does not fulminate against the
> as Israel's regional neighbors do. The cross (or plus sign) is considered
> idolatry by many Jews (not just Israelis) as it is so bound up with Jesus
> of Nazareth.
> Many Jews try to avoid it (illiterate Jews going so far as to make circles
> instead of Xs for their marks--leading to another Antisemitic slur "Kike"
> from "kikel"--little circle). This does not make Jews anti-Christian any
> than refusing to put a statue of Kali or Ganeesha in their churches makes
> Christians anti-Hindu.
> Cheers!
> Jonathan A. Epstein

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