mosh pit. slam dancing and Skanks

Anne Gilbert avgilbert at PRODIGY.NET
Wed Feb 19 00:22:09 UTC 2003

Laurence and Jesse:

> >No, that term (of unknown origin) dates back at least to the
> >early 1960s.
> And as far as whatever it means, my favorite gloss comes from one of
> the editions of the UCLA Slang Dictionary that Pam Munro edits:
> SKANK:  a female slut

I never heard of a "skank" as a "slut".  Back in the "good ol' days",  a
slut was, well, a slut(usually referring to a woman who had "too many"
partners, "too many" not being defined in any way).  But I have seen
evidence of modern teens using "skanky" meaning engaging in a large number
of sesual relationships.  Does this *only* apply to females?  I didn't get
the impression that it did.
Anne G

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