"slang" and "informal" as dict labels [WAS: shirty?]

Dave Wilton dave at WILTON.NET
Thu Feb 20 23:05:21 UTC 2003

> Century (if so, his name was probably "Leeds").  The hockey
> team "New Jersey Devils" came long after the Jersey Devil legend
> and I don't know if there is any connection.

The hockey team is named after the Jersey Devil of local legend:

It doesn't have anything to do with language, but the following sites have
some good info on the legend if you care to look.

The following site gives a good account of the folkloric variations of the
Jersey Devil tale: http://pw1.netcom.com/~thefix/jdlegend.html

This site gives a fairly decent history of the alleged sightings of the
devil over the centuries (including sightings by Stephen Decatur, who
supposedly shot at it, and Joseph Bonaparte). It doesn't exhibit the
required degree of skepticism for my taste, but as a collection of
allegations it is fairly comprehensive: http://theshadowlands.net/jd.htm

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