google verb

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Feb 27 17:08:17 UTC 2003

At 8:23 AM -0800 2/27/03, Ben Ostrowsky wrote:
>  > This created a small furor as the always-passionate Slashdot crowd got
>>  it into their heads that I was being persecuted by Google.
>And with interesting results: "My daughter said she was googling for her
>other sock, yesterday. I think it's coming to mean much more than just
>searching online. More like, searching every possible location. A
>comprehensive search."  Hmm.
Interestingly, when you type in "my other sock" on google, 856 hits
come up, most dealing with location.  I still the old-fashioned
search procedure would be more effective in this case, if slower.


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