geographical slanders/euphemisms

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Jan 7 18:37:13 UTC 2003

At 10:11 AM -0800 1/7/03, Towse wrote:
>Lois Nathan wrote:
>>  I've heard "liquid sunshine" used in south Florida during the summer
>>  especially, when there is a lot of it, by language playful and disgruntled
>>  residents.
>Berkeley sunshine was a trade name for the LSD that (allegedly)
>was cooked up by folks with access to the UCB chem labs during
>the late 60s, early 70s.
>I must be getting old, Google doesn't show reference one to that
>usage. Black sunshine, yes. California sunshine, yes. Sunshine,
>yes. Yellow sunshine, yes. ...

which brings up "Acapulco gold", one of many "x gold" collocations
referring to such valuables as oil ("black gold", "Texas gold") as
well as to marijuana and other treasured items I can't think of at
the moment.


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