Blue laws

Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Mon Jan 13 21:01:09 UTC 2003

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Michael Quinion wrote:

> The following appears on a web site devoted to the rebuttal of
> hoaxes ( "The term 'Blue
> Laws' describes laws that regulate public morality. The phrase was
> first used in an anonymous pamphlet published in 1762 titled 'The
> Real Advantages Which Ministers and People May Enjoy, Especially in
> the Colonies, by Conforming to the Church of England'". This - if
> correct - predates the usual first citation in the Reverend Samuel
> Peters' work of 1782 entitled "A General History of Connecticut".

I looked at the book in question, and it does indeed antedate the OED's
1781 first use:

1762 Noah Welles _The Real Advantages Which Ministers and People May Enjoy
Especially in the Colonies, by Conforming to the Church of England_ 29  I
have heard that some of them [polite gentlemen] begin to be ashamed of
their blue laws at _New-Haven_.

In a quick skimming of the book, the above was the only usage of _blue
laws_ I saw.  Unfortunately, there is nothing shedding light on the
etymology, i.e., why are these laws "blue."

Fred Shapiro

Fred R. Shapiro                             Editor
Associate Librarian for Collections and     YALE DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS
  Access and Lecturer in Legal Research     Yale University Press,
Yale Law School                             forthcoming
e-mail: fred.shapiro at     

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