
James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Tue Jan 21 14:52:25 UTC 2003

In a message dated 1/16/03 8:00:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, mam at THEWORLD.COM

> #Thinking about it a little more, I remember that the FULL phrase was "You
>  #fuck an A John!" meaning 'totally right, I agree."
>  I assume that you are remembering from hearing, not reading, the
>  expression. Could that have been "You fuckin' A, John!"? That is,
>   - "fuckin'" rather than the homophonous "fuck an"

Has anyone considered that "john" is a well-known argot term for the client
of a prostitute?  Hence in "you f**kin' a john?" the word "john" is the
direct object of a verb (in progressive aspect, with "are" missing), whereas
"you f**k a A john" makes sense only if prostitutes had a rating system for
their clients.

            - Jim Landau

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