jibe/jive, needs washed

Anne Rogers AnneR at HKUSA.COM
Thu Jan 23 23:17:44 UTC 2003

Perhaps this is because in my job we're constantly talking about making sure
things agree with each other, but I've heard two different people say
something similar to this in the last two days:

jive for jibe (to be in accord, agree): "We've got to make sure the finished
art jives with the art manuscript."

Is this a common substitution that other people have heard?

Also, does anyone know if the following is a usage specific to the Midwest,
because this is the only place I've heard it used (or noticed, anyway): the
dropping of "to be" after needs -- "my hair needs washed," "the clock needs
restored," etc. I wouldn't have a problem if the gerund was used instead --
"needs washing" or "needs restoring" -- but I like it best with the "to be
washed" phrasing.

Anne Rogers

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