jibe/jive, needs washed

Patty Davies patty at CRUZIO.COM
Thu Jan 23 23:28:48 UTC 2003

Hi Anne - comment below:

At 05:17 PM 1/23/03 -0600, Anne Rogers wrote:
>Perhaps this is because in my job we're constantly talking about making sure
>things agree with each other, but I've heard two different people say
>something similar to this in the last two days:
>jive for jibe (to be in accord, agree): "We've got to make sure the finished
>art jives with the art manuscript."
>Is this a common substitution that other people have heard?

Yes, I have heard this substitution, sort of hard to catch and I don't
remember when in the past I first started hearing this

>Also, does anyone know if the following is a usage specific to the Midwest,
>because this is the only place I've heard it used (or noticed, anyway): the
>dropping of "to be" after needs -- "my hair needs washed," "the clock needs
>restored," etc. I wouldn't have a problem if the gerund was used instead --
>"needs washing" or "needs restoring" -- but I like it best with the "to be
>washed" phrasing.

This sounds very odd phrasing to me, I don't think I have heard it and
would think it was not grammatical

Patty - West Coast

>Anne Rogers

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