European Geeks/Nerds?

Peter A. McGraw pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Fri Jan 24 17:15:04 UTC 2003

I'm not sure I know all the connotations of "geek" and "nerd," but there
is, or  was, a British term "swot," whose semantic range seems at least to
intersect with these.  It means (or meant) something like 'studyoholic',
and "swotting" means 'really hitting the books'.  Some of our British
listers may be able to shed better light on this word.

Peter Mc.

--On Friday, January 24, 2003 10:33 AM -0500 Wendalyn Nichols
<wendalyn at NYC.RR.COM> wrote:

> In Britain they are called "anoraks" because of the stereotype of them all
> wearing anoraks (parkas). And don't forget their cousins, trainspotters.
> At 06:32 PM 1/23/03 -0800, you wrote:
>> This query came off of another list I belong to, I thought people on this
>> list might be able to help:
>> <<Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 01:36:07 -0800
>> From: Mark Clark <clarkm at>
>> Subject: European Geeks/Nerds?
>> Students have asked me if there are European equivalents to the American
>> geek/nerd stereotype for engineers and scientists. I am aware of the
>> related term "otaku" for Japan, but nothing for other
>> coutries. Any information would be appreciated, especially printed or web
>> references for further information.
>> Dr. Mark Clark
>> Oregon Institute of Technology>>

                               Peter A. McGraw
                   Linfield College   *   McMinnville, OR
                            pmcgraw at

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