FW: Eng. Dialect

Frank Abate abatefr at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Jan 24 19:13:36 UTC 2003

Given the recent discussion on the pronunciation of ask, the following, from
the UK's Daily Telegraph for Jan 14, seems appropriate to share with the

Frank Abate


  From today's Daily Telegraph, Peterborough:

  Home thoughts

  A moment of high farce enlivened yesterday's debate at the European
Parliament in Strasbourg.

  The UK Independence Party's new MEP Graham Booth gave his maiden speech,
electing - as is his right - to speak in his mother tongue: Devonian.

  "Maister Preziden," reads the speech, on regionalisation. "If I axed my
mates back 'ome where they come from, they'd zay 'Deb'm'. Not Cornwall,
cross the River Tamar, which is furrin parts; not Zomerset, where awl they
toffs live. That's to close to Lunnon for their liking."

  "As for Lunnon," he adds, "that used to be dree days on the vast
stagecoach, and there's many of uz volks who never did get used to they
new-vangled things like 'orseless carriages and they motorway things which
brings awl they furriners to our neck of the woods."

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