jibe/jive, needs washed

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Fri Jan 24 22:00:10 UTC 2003

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Anne Rogers wrote:

#jive for jibe (to be in accord, agree): "We've got to make sure the finished
#art jives with the art manuscript."
#Is this a common substitution that other people have heard?

Yes. I don't like it, but it's too far advanced to be stopped.

#Also, does anyone know if the following is a usage specific to the Midwest,
#because this is the only place I've heard it used (or noticed, anyway): the
#dropping of "to be" after needs -- "my hair needs washed," "the clock needs
#restored," etc. I wouldn't have a problem if the gerund was used instead --
#"needs washing" or "needs restoring" -- but I like it best with the "to be
#washed" phrasing.

Oh, brother, are you ever gonna get answers and discussion here! I'll
stay out of this one.

-- Mark M.

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