Canadians in ADS

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Wed Jan 29 22:58:51 UTC 2003

I am a bit surprised to learn that the ADS is dedicated only to the English language in N Am.  I have to admit that I have never read the the constitution of the ADS, but I was under the impression (I am sure someone mentioned this to me once) that the ADS was dedicated to all languages of N Am.  American Speech has published articles on other languages, e.g. Chinook Jargon, and on areas outside North America, e.g. New Zealand and South Africa.
As far as ADS-L is concerned, people contribute messages all the time whose content has nothing to do with dialects--e.g. about food, sex, politics, and so on.  So, I don't understand how Canadian English could ever be considered off-topic.  I don't think many things really stop at the 49th, esp. language features


>>> AAllan at AOL.COM 01/28/03 01:00PM >>>
Mention of
" Our constitution declares that we
study "the English language in North America," and in the past we have had
even a Canadian president (Murray Kinloch) and a Canadian executive secretary
(H. Rex Wilson).

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