Jimmies (1954); American Chop Suey (1938, 1939)

Dave Wilton dave at WILTON.NET
Thu Jul 10 23:39:24 UTC 2003

> >
> I only have volumes I & II of DARE, so can't check - but how regional
> a term is jimmies?  Growing up in NYC, we only said sprinkles.  I
> didn't hear jimmies till I moved to CA.

DARE says "esp. NEast". Growing up in NJ, I was familiar with "jimmies,"
although the more usual term was "sprinkles." We also called them "ants."

Also, the 1963 DARE quote is a reference to 1941. HDAS has 1947 for the term
(in W10).

DARE also says it's a trademark, although neither Barry nor I could find any
record of it at USPTO. The Just Born candy company (originally of Brooklyn)
claims that they coined and trademarked "jimmies" in the 1930s. If they did,
they never registered it. They have other registered trademarks, both
current and historical, but not "jimmies."

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