Jimmies (1954)

Tom Kysilko pds at VISI.COM
Fri Jul 11 02:21:52 UTC 2003

At 7/10/2003 04:39 PM -0700, Dave Wilton wrote:
> >Growing up in NYC, we only said sprinkles.  I
> > didn't hear jimmies till I moved to CA.
>DARE says "esp. NEast". Growing up in NJ, I was familiar with "jimmies,"
>although the more usual term was "sprinkles." We also called them "ants."

I had my first experience with jimmies (and with high-powered Yankees) at
an ice--cream stand in Cambridge, MA, in 1970.  I had never called them
anything prior to that because I'd never seen them before.  The DQs, the
Baskin & Robbins, and the Bridgemans' in the midwest did not carry them to
my knowledge.  On the other hand, Lalapaloozas . . .

   Tom Kysilko        Practical Data Services
   pds at visi.com       Saint Paul MN USA

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