Mehums, enhants, and more...

Michael Quinion TheEditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Wed May 7 09:06:22 UTC 2003

David Colburn wrote:

> Here's an article from the Sunday NYTimes about lingo used by
> "extropians". Wordspy and others might be interested:

This writer was certainly interested, since it can be neatly wedged
into a piece about Prince Charles, nanotechnology, grey goo, and
related matters that is to appear in World Wide Words this weekend.

There's a little more about the meeting organised by the Foresight
Institute last weekend that was the source of Barneby Feder's piece

A "mehum" by the way (sometimes written as "MeHum") would seem to be
a shortened version of "mere human", as opposed to cyborgs, augments,
enhants and other artificially augmented intelligences.

Michael Quinion
Editor, World Wide Words
E-mail: <TheEditor at>
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