Mission of the American Dialect Society; St. Joseph's Bread

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Sun Nov 2 02:51:13 UTC 2003

On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:

#   Zero accommodation?
#   We've discussed this many times before.  Fred and Sam have written
#"antedating" in the subject line.  My posts are self-explanatory.  We've told you
#many times that if you're not interested in "dulce de leche" or the "Daily Candy
#lexicon" or "trick or treat," you can delete it all.  It takes a few seconds.
#And if DELETING is too much trouble, you can BLOCK everything with
#"antedating" in the subject, and everything from me.
#   But no!  That IS too much trouble!  We should go away right now!
#   So, instead of posting "trick or treat," I should help humanity by
#throwing myself in front of a moving train?

Eh, bubbele, don't get so dramatic!

I read some of your antedates and other finds with great interest;
others I skim; and sometimes I just delete whole chunks or threads
unread. The same applies to other people's posts. It depends in part on
how much time I have. But I for one am glad to have the choice.

-- Mark A. Mandel

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