
Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Wed Nov 5 15:31:21 UTC 2003

Bethany K. Dumas said:
>On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Michael Quinion wrote:
>>subscriber asks about the meaning and origin of "dealybob". I assume
>>from context that it's one of those hand-waving terms for something
>I've never seen it spelled that way - here, it is one of those two-pronged
>thingies that one wears on one's head - the thingies wave about. We had
>them for the World's Fair (ca. 1981), and I see them at large parties.

I remember the same sort of novelty item, pretty much from when I was
at the University of Florida, which would be early 80s also. I have a
sense that I might have seen them more recently, at local outdoor
festivals, in the same class of object as those glowing things that
kids pester their parents for.

Alice Faber                                             faber at
Haskins Laboratories                                  tel: (203) 865-6163 x258
New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                     fax (203) 865-8963

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