rocks and stones

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Wed Nov 19 21:37:44 UTC 2003


>At 2:26 PM -0500 11/19/03, Dennis R. Preston wrote:
>>I cannot yield to to larry's identification of stone as the substance
>>and hence the unmarked form.I suspect a dialect difference on just
>>this matter. Several of his no-good forms (rock house, rock wall) are
>>OK by me, tough one must be careful of relatively frozen collocations
>>in such considerations. For example, I have rock walls and rock
>>fences, but I have the metaphoric verb "stonewall."
>OK, OK.  Note also:  Rolling Stones vs. Rolling Rock, "rock music"
>but "stone soup", "Everybody must get stoned" vs. "Rock me baby all
>night long", "Leave no stone unturned" vs. "What rock did you crawl
>out from under?"
>More research is required.

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