a small plea

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Thu Oct 30 11:45:14 UTC 2003

In the interests of the rather more general purposes of this list,
having to do with language variation in the Americas and not almost
exclusively the half-second antedating of a word or phrase or the
bashing of those who have not seen the most recent thoughts on such,
could this be answered privately. I know it's easy to delete, but my
delete finger is growing weary.



Hi sports fans, food word searchers and all interested parties,
     www.bluemountain.com the other day was running a pop-up quiz where they
ask you to guess the term for "hot dog" in 1905.  They claim it was "dachshund
sausage", popularized by sportswriter Tad Dorgan.  Is this true?

Lois Nathan

Dennis R. Preston
University Distinguished Professor
Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic,
      Asian & African Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
e-mail: preston at msu.edu
phone: (517) 432-3099

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