porn-star names that are puns

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Sat Apr 24 15:21:59 UTC 2004

 My colleague Professor Peter Burian has taught Greek at Duke since the
1960s. A number of years ago, we were amazed to see that his name was being used by
a porn star who specialized in gay work. All those years and we never once
thought of the potential pun. I'm just amazed that one of Buran's porn star
colleages hasn't also appropriated the name of Burian's brother, Dick Burian.

At about the same time, another porn star took the name Terry Sanford. No pun
there, but at the time Terry Sanford was the president of Duke University.

Maybe there was a porn director who had Duke connections?

If so, he missed my name, though I think it might also lend itself to some
creative punning.

In a message dated 3/29/04 12:44:14 PM, dave at WILTON.NET writes:

> Perhaps there is some kind of process where porn names go mainstream? Or do
> porn stars tend to chose names that are on the cusp of fashionability?

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