Murphy's Laws for Combat

Sean Fitzpatrick grendel.jjf at VERIZON.NET
Sat Aug 7 05:17:14 UTC 2004

More than ten years ago, a friend gave me a flyer with almost exactly this list, from the veterans association of his unit in Vietnam.  It is titled "Blackhorse Laws of Combat".  "Blackhorse" refers to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment  (from its shoulder patch).  It is not exactly a nickname, because it is used attributively, rather than as an appellative.

Here are the variations.  Blackhorse version listed second.

1.  You are not a superman.
1.  You are not    Audie Murphy.

10. Try to look unimportant becasue the bad guys may be low on ammo.
10. Try to look unimportant because the gooks       may be low on ammo.

12. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.
12. The NVA     diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.

17. When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the enemy.
17. When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the VC.

23. Body count math is: two guerillas plus one portable plus two pigs                    = 37 enemy killed in action.
23. Body count math is: two guerillas plus one civilian   plus two water buffalos= 37 enemy killed in action.

28. Fragging is justifiable cause to eliminate assholes.[Blackhorse only]

31. When both sides are convinced that they are about to lose,   they are both right.
32. When both sides are convinced          they are about to loose, they are both right.

33. Professional soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.
32. Blackhorse    soldiers are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.

33. Murphy was a grunt.[Veterans' Center only]
34.You ain't short until the Freedom Bird has left the ground.[Blackhorse only]

Seán Fitzpatrick
Irony-free zone:  Abandon tropes, all ye who enter here.

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