PC and Dialects in fiction

Patti J. Kurtz kurtpatt4 at NETSCAPE.NET
Fri Aug 13 20:45:57 UTC 2004

In addition to being an English professor, I also write fiction.  One
critique group I belong to raised the question of the representation of
dialect in fiction and whether or not such representations are now
considered non-politically correct.

Has anyone heard anything about this?  Is there a sort of move against
using dialect in fiction because it's deemed "non PC"?


Patti Kurtz
Assistant Professor, English
Minot State University
Minot, ND

Freeman - And what drives you on, fighting the monster?

Straker - I don't know, something inside me I guess.

Freeman - It's called dedication.

Straker - Pig-headedness would be nearer.

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