Rima McKinzey

Enid Pearsons e.pearsons at EARTHLINK.NET
Sat Aug 21 17:04:04 UTC 2004

Rima died a couple of days ago. It was not unexpected, but it is a blow
nevertheless. She'd been fighting cancer tooth and nail, and lived for
several years more than the doctors initially predicted. The loving support
of her husband, Kim, was surely a factor in prolonging her life, as was her
own amazing ability to find humor in even the most trying circumstances.

Rima participated in the ADS list until almost the very end, and those of us
who attended the DSNA conference in Berkeley will remember its careful
organization, warmth, and hospitality, for much of which Rima was
responsible. She was also a DSNA board member and loved being part of these
groups and sharing linguistic experiences with all of you, particularly when
they amused as they informed.

I had the privilege of giving Rima her first job in lexicography--as a
pronunciation editor for the Random House Unabridged Dictionary. She was a
joy to work with, an accomplished editor, and a delightful friend. I miss

Following is the e-mail that some of us received from Kim:


My beloved, adored, center-of-my being, love-of-my-life,
joy-of-my-heart died this afternoon, 8/18/04 (our 25th wedding
anniversary), at 1:50pm, in my arms. I had no idea it would happen
this fast. . . .

Thank you all for being so helpful over this long, hard 5 years.

Per Rima's wishes, her body will be cremated soon. A memorial is
being planned for later, so that many of you can make it. <<<

Kim (Dr. Kim McKinzey) is a forensic psychologist, who has also contributed
to these lists. His e-mail address is rkmck at earthlink.net.


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