RE: Re:       Thing or Think

Gordon, Matthew J. GordonMJ at MISSOURI.EDU
Sun Feb 8 22:18:23 UTC 2004

As in so many other areas, I agree with heavy metal legends Judas Priest here, and it's always been "you've got another thing coming" for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: American Dialect Society on behalf of Steve Boatti
Sent: Sun 2/8/2004 4:15 PM
Subject:      Re:       Thing or Think
What is the logic in the saying, "If you think this, you got another THING
coming"? None at all. "If you think this, you've got another THINK coming" is
not only "witty," but makes sense: "Your thought is wrong and you need to
replace it with another thought." My immigrant parents, who did not speak perfect
English, nevertheless always used "think" and always understood it as a clever
and sensible statement.

Steve Boatti
sjb72 at

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