Surstromming; Afterparty (1977); Mocktail (1956); New York Herald

Benjamin Barrett bjb5 at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Sat Feb 14 23:01:33 UTC 2004

Thank you, Barry, for these. I have submitted afterparty as a candidate for
nijikai to the Japanese-English dictionary I am helping edit. In the past, I
have always glossed this as the "party after the party".

Benjamin Barrett

>-----Original Message-----
>From: American Dialect Society [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
>AFTERPARTY--81,600 Google hits, 4,860 Google Groups hits
>AFTER PARTY--151,000 Google hits, 9,890 Google Group hits
>   I've been seeing "afterparty" a lot.  What's an
>"afterparty"?  Sleep?
>   Are there after-recipes for it?
>   WordSpy (added April 30, 2002) has "afterparty" from March
>17, 1980 in the WASHINGTON POST.  Google Groups has it only from 1990.

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