"Make like a tree and leave" (1954)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Wed Feb 25 00:38:44 UTC 2004

   It was at the end of the day today (another day wasted like so many
others) and I didn't know if anyone was still waiting for a hearing on parking
   "Make like a tree," the guard told me.
   "Make like a tree?"
   "Make like a tree and get outta here.  Make like a tree and leave!"
   That damn hotel "body bar"!  I knew that I shouldn't have come back from
Panama smelling like a eucalpytus!!!
   The CASSELL DICTIONARY OF SLANG has this under "make like a--" and gives
"1950a+."  The HDAS has 1958 for "make like bubblegum and blow," then 1968 for
"make like a tree and leave."

Gettysburg Times - 3/18/1954
...As or "sweet." A fAvorite pun is "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los Angeles
kids who.....t be there) And "I dig it the leAst" (don't LIKE I it At All) A
nd think I'll pick up jon..
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Thursday, March 18, 1954  674 k

Reno Evening Gazette - 9/23/1957
...reAching for is "cuttings." "ShAll we MAKE LIKE A TREE And "Where did you
leArn All "I.....And the ImAginAtion, An excellent book for those who Are not
mAthemAticAlly.....Kohler. TAken together, these exAmples look LIKE A
right-turn trend Among liberAl.....you do not dig me, DAddy0, A jelly tot is LIKE .A
Jim DAndy. Only -younger. A Jim DAndy..
Reno, Nevada Monday, September 23, 1957  573 k

Appeal Democrat - 12/17/1958
...MAKE the effort." "NeAt, beAt. So I'll MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." And he
did. We could.....As in the United StAtes. The AverAge-sized book would retA
il At hArdly less thAn the.....Those who leAd us into this chAnnel will be LIKE
the sorcerer who knew the Art of mAking.....IIM8 For A Fire-Free ChristmAs IK
ChristmAs TREE, lit All Usitrcu fires eAch over And..
Marysville, California Wednesday, December 17, 1958  728 k

Newport Daily News - 4/15/1954
...As or "sweet." A fAvorite pun is "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los Angeles
kids who.....pAinted trim in the children's room, book cAses. Scouring
powder: HArd to beAt for.....pAin is mAking him fussy. He will probAbly LIKE to hAve
you rub his gums. He rubs them.....Anything he cAn get hold of, but he'd LIKE
to hAve you do some rubbing too. CleAn..
Newport, Rhode Island   Thursday, April 15, 1954  512 k

Indiana Evening Gazette - 3/18/1954
...bAses Aroucd RussiA. He mAde the or "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los A
ngeles kids who.....officiAls Are showing disLIKE for A phrAse LIKE "new look"
Sisenhower himselfj 1.....world Bikini-ism ThAt meAns swimsuits LIKE. those worn
Above by Bonnie Y eAger..
Indiana, Pennsylvania Thursday, March 18, 1954  839 k

Mountain Democrat - 3/4/1987
...by DAve Cole HEY YOU, why dontchA MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve HA, hA. I got
A million.....test wAs tAken, the CHP sAid. Church's new TREE to be plAnted
soon COLOMA The EmmAnuel.....Church in ColomA is About to get A new TREE to
replAce the venerAble old cedAr thAt.....contrActed to plAnt A young Incense CedA
r TREE in the sAme spot inhAbited by the former..
Placerville, California Wednesday, March 04, 1987  500 k

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