encoded messages in the ADS-L Digest

Mark A. Mandel mamandel at LDC.UPENN.EDU
Sat Jan 3 15:17:30 UTC 2004

Tom Kysilko <pds at VISI.COM> writes:

As Gerald previously noted, the problem is on his wife's computer.  Her
Outlook is set to use UU-encoding instead of MIME.  There is nothing
recipients can do in their e-mail clients to avoid the apparent

But if you have WinZip (or any UU-decoder), and you really want to see
what Gerald has to say, do this:
--Highlight the gibberish.
--Copy and paste it into a new text file (using Notepad or your favorite
text editor.
--Save the text file as Whatever.UU
--Open Whatever.UU with the UU-decoder.  (If you have Winzip, in the
file-open dialog under Files of Type select Encoded Files.)

Thanks, Tom. I don't think I'll be willing to do all that as a matter of
course. Over to you, Gerald.

-- Mark A. Mandel

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