
Grant Barrett gbarrett at WORLDNEWYORK.ORG
Tue Jun 15 18:03:14 UTC 2004

The forthcoming Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang has
"peacenik" slightly earlier:

1963 N.Y. Times Mag. May 19 p. 17: Peace groups bud (and wither) with
such frequency that even the experts can't keep track of them. They
come in all shapes and sizes--professional groups...religious groups,
demonstrators and nondemonstrators, sophisticated groups and peacenik

Grant Barrett

Assistant Editor, U.S. Dictionaries, Oxford University Press
Project Editor, Historical Dictionary of American Slang
Editor, "Hatchet Jobs and Hardball: The Oxford Dictionary of American
Political Slang" (2004)

Editor, Double-Tongued Word Wrester

Webmaster, American Dialect Society

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