Re:       chopped liver--consciousness-raising is in order

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Fri Mar 5 18:01:42 UTC 2004

I've never thought of this as a derogatory reference with respect to chopped 
liver per se. Of course, lots of people don't LIKE chopped liver (I'm not one 
of them), and I have to admit that chopped liver is not very pretty, nor does 
it smell like perfume. And we all remember what Portnoy did with liver.

So I guess there may be reasons why people would think of chopped liver as 
relatively inconsequential, especially as compared to the importance and 
sensitivity of a human being. But the degree of respect is surely in the mind of the 

I also say, "What am I, a potted plant?" And I love potted plants.

In a message dated 2/9/04 9:17:57 PM, gcohen at UMR.EDU writes:

> At 8:02 PM -0500 2/9/04, Sam Clements wrote:
> >Sheesh!  Can't Barry get ANY respect around here?  What is he, chopped
> liver?! ...
>     I've never understood the derogatory reference to chopped liver in
> the phrase (with slight variants) "What am I, chopped liver?"  Well
> prepared chopped liver is always tasty, and very well prepared
> chopped liver is delicious, a culinary delight.
>     Why this lack of respect for chopped liver?
> Gerald Cohen

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