Something the cat dragged in (1921);

Dave Hause dwhause at JOBE.NET
Sat Mar 13 01:06:17 UTC 2004

A series of dogs have never dragged in anything in particular (although one
sometimes came in the house with a guilty look on her face and released the
June bug she had in her mouth.)  Our female cats weren't draggers-in, but
two of three consecutive tomcats have brought many things - the first
specialized in critters such as mice, frogs, and once a tomato worm the size
of my thumb;  the second used to 'kill' dishtowels my wife had set to dry on
the porch, clumps of grass, paper towels, and similar items.  Both would
bring their prizes to the door, meow until you came out to admire their
'kill', and then stalk away.
Dave Hause, dwhause at
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
----- Original Message -----
From: <Bapopik at AOL.COM>

   Do cats drag in a whole lot more stuff than dogs?  I've heard that dogs
will get your your newspaper, frisbee, maybe even slippers.

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