CP Time

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Fri Nov 5 02:48:44 UTC 2004

>I hear new variants of this constantly--"[some ethnic, racial,
>religious etc. group] time" = 'late'.

I suppose most of the versions are national. On the Web there are plenty of
examples of "on X time" = "late" (or sometimes "slow"/"leisurely"):
"Chinese time", "Korean time", "Thai time", "Indian time" (referring to
India), "Filipino time", "Spanish time", "Brazilian time", "Mexican time",
"Italian time", etc., etc. ... also "Asian time", "African time", "South
American time", "Latin time".

"American time", "British time", "English time", "Japanese time" usually
seem to have the opposite sense, referring to punctuality.

-- Doug Wilson

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