Urban - a code word?

Mullins, Bill Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Sun Oct 10 22:17:55 UTC 2004

>-----Original Message-----
>From: James A. Landau
>Sent: 10/10/2004 6:41 AM
>Subject: Urban - a code word?
>I doubt this is relevant, but some years ago there was a movie entitled
>"Urban Cowboy", which was a flop.

I don't recall it being a flop.  IMDB says it grossed $53M, which ain't
bad for a 1980 film.

>Also, in the above quote, "[racial slur]" is being used as a verb.
>I doubt that is a nonce usage, but I can't recall ever having
>heard it as a verb rather than a noun or adjective.

>From the PBS Website, on their "American Experience" episode on George

1958 (said in private to Seymore Trammell, Wallace's finance director,
following his unsuccessful first run for governor against John

"I was out-niggered, and I will never be out-niggered again." <end
Background:  Wallace ran as fairly (for the time and place) moderate on
racial issues, and was defeated soundly.  He then embraced segregation
issues, and it was many years before he turned back around.

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