The new Washington DC baseball team

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Wed Oct 13 18:18:05 UTC 2004

 >No one in DC wants to call it the Senators
>again, since we don't HAVE any.
>Kathleen E. Miller

Well, this is a good way to get some. How about the Washington Generals?
BTW, why are they even going to change the name? Why not leave it as the Expos? After all, other teams have moved and kept a name that had something to do with their former home, but nothing with their new home, e.g. Brooklyn> LA dodgers, Minneapolis > LA Lakers, and (my favorite) New ORleans > Utah Jazz.  How silly is that?  Also, I don't know how many Cardinals there are in Arizona.

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