Quick question on books

Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OHIOU.EDU
Fri Oct 22 15:55:23 UTC 2004

Another nice one just came out recently: _Language, Discourse and Power in
African American Culture_, by Marcyliena Morgan (Cambridge UP, 2002, pb
$25).  It should be quite readable for undergrads and may be cheaper than
Rickford's book (which I dearly love!).  Lisa Green's _African American
English: A Linguistic Introduction_ (Cambridge, 2002, pb $26) would be a
good textbook for a more technical course on AAE but might be too much for
undergrads to handle.

At 10:52 AM 10/22/2004, you wrote:
>If you want to focus on AAE, _Spoken Soul_ would be an excellent choice.
>It's great b/c it not only deals with some of the linguistic details but
>it also discusses the broader cultural context of AAE, and it's written
>for non-specialists.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: American Dialect Society on behalf of Patti J. Kurtz
>Sent: Fri 10/22/2004 8:47 AM
>Subject:      Quick question on books
>I'm teaching a course in American regional dialects this spring.  I plan
>to use Allan Metcalf's "How We Talk," (thanks for suggesting that,
>Allan!) but I wanted one more text to sort of add either:
>a) some general sociolinguistic theory or
>b) maybe deal in depth with one or two dialects in depth, like AAVE or
>Chicano English
>c) or deal in depth with one aspect of dialects, such as dialects in
>teaching, or in pop culture..
>Anyone know anything about "Spoken Soul" by Rickford?  or have other ideas?
>But I need a text that's not overly pricey, fairly easy to comprehend
>and book orders are due Monday.
>Any suggestions?
>Dr. Patti J. Kurtz
>Assistant Professor, English
>Director of the Writing Center
>Minot State University
>Minot, ND 58707
>Foster: What about our evidence? They've got to take notice of that.
>Straker: Evidence. What's it going to look like when Henderson claims
>that we manufactured it, just to get a space clearance program?
>Foster: But we are RIGHT!
>Straker: Sometimes, Colonel, that's not quite enough.

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