"The worms they crept in"

Patty Davies patty at CRUZIO.COM
Fri Sep 17 00:14:32 UTC 2004

The other Patty (Davies) here - this is too funny!  You are right, when I
went on the site, this *is* the tune we sang to.  But I also think we had
the version I posted previously.  I am sure my friends and I had no clue
what pinochle was.  And in the meantime, I had a major memory flash of the
song as the opening to a movie, and how delighted I was to hear it.  I
remembered a dark haired actress and that it was a B movie, scary or
horror, and positive the actress was named Pamela...Franklin!  And I just
looked it up and it may have been "Legend of Hell House' (1973) but the
site doesn't say anything about the songs used in the movie.  She was also
in Screamer and Satan's School for Girls around the same time.

Well, my daughter just came in wanting to know what that music was playing
over and over and I sang her the song.  She was thoroughly grossed out and
made me stop.  And 'Greasy, Grimy gopher Guts' brings back another flood of
memories.  I'm just glad I finally had some kind of use for remembering
these kinds of things ;}


At 04:15 PM 9/16/04, you wrote:
>On Sep 16, 2004, at 3:44 PM, Patti J. Kurtz wrote:
>>I remember something like this:
>>"The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the ants play pinochle on
>nice to see that we agree on the pinochle thing.  when and where did
>you grow up, patti?
>now that i think about it, it was not just recited in a sing-song way
>but had an actual tune.
>ahhh...  for the "crawl" version, 1,670 google hits (raw).  one begins
>pretty much in accordance with my recollection:
>  Did you ever think
>  As the hearse rolls by,
>  That sooner or later
>  You're goin' to die,
>most of the rest of this version strikes no chords (except for the
>worms).  no pinochle.
>but go to
>this has the tune!  and most of the words i recognize, including the
>first lines:
>Did you ever think, as a hearse goes by,
>That you might be the next to die?
>and the pinochle and the wonderfully disgusting:
>They eat your eyes, they eat your nose,
>They eat the jelly between your toes.
>i leave it to someone else to trace the history of this masterpiece.

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