New word

Justin Hertog justin_hertog at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 24 13:30:40 UTC 2004

I searched the archives to make sure this wasn't a prior subject of
discussion, so here goes:

Jetrosexual is a new word!

Here is the citation from a advertisement by Virgin Airways:

"Some of today's jetrosexuals are moved not just by a quest for the new, but
also by fond memories of travel from an earlier time....Mr. Keoghan says he
longs for and only occasionally finds a travel experience that evokes some
of that old romance of flying.  "Virgin is doing it, and a couple of other
airlines, but it's rare," he says.  What exactly is he looking for? What
does today's jet set really want from the experience?  Mr. Keoghan says it's
not about 'just sucking up to passengers in first class.  I look for a
certain feeling on the plane, a camaraderie and social interaction, a sense
of old-fashioned romance--though I also want the experience to feel new and

"Indeed, the new jet set is driven by real-world needs as well as old world
romance; the need for more comfort, flexibility, connectivity.  In turn,
these demands are driving the air travel market -- or at least a portion of
it-- to respond with a new level of performance and service."

Quite a pronouncement, huh?

Justin Hertog

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