assumably etc. (was Re: "last stitch effort")

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Sun Sep 26 19:10:04 UTC 2004

On Sep 26, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Robert Wachal wrote:

> When it comes to disliking certain words, does anyone else dislike
> 'gravitas' and think it pompous? And how about 'absent' as a
> preposition?

there used to be a wonderful "badwords" website, where people would
list their pet peeves about english.  most entertaining.

i myself am inclined to hear both of these usages as on the pompous
side.  but then i hear the voice of dwight bolinger in my head, telling
me to listen to what people are trying to achieve with them...  (he did
talk about "plus" vs. "and"; i'm not sure he took up "absent" -- which
started out in latinate legalism -- vs. "without".)


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