nominative coordinate objects

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Sun Aug 7 21:17:14 UTC 2005

>This sounds intentional to me.  It would not rhyme if worded
>grammatically correctly.
>At 8/7/2005 04:15 PM, you wrote:
>>Philip Howard in /The State of the Language/ instances the antiquity of
>>non-standard uses of pronoun cases with these lines taken from a tomb in an
>>English churchyard:
>>"Her as was has gone from we,
>>Us as is will go to she."  (no date given)
Intentional, no doubt, one way or another.  It's possible, I suppose, that
it's a  bit of folklore, or a leg-pull.  OTOH rural dialects have often
been presented in English literature  as having pronominal cases quite
different from what we regard as standard. Merely rhyming doesn't strike me
as damning.

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