pussy," adj. = weak; effeminate; cowardly; unmanly; soft or easy eno

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Wed Aug 17 22:18:26 UTC 2005

>Don't know whether you have this citation:
>'I had seen the girl's virgin cunt, and recollect the look of pussy, belly,
>thighs, and slit.'
>--Anon, 'My Secret Life c1888-94, [Grove Press edition, page 222]

In this citation, as well as in a few other instances, it would seem (at
least arguably) that "pussy" does not refer to the vagina or vulva or mons
or to the general anatomic neighborhood ... but (likely) specifically to
the pubic hair ... which (if true) would be consistent with the
often-guessed etymology from "pussy[cat]".

-- Doug Wilson

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