heads-up baseball/football (1919)

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at BABEL.LING.UPENN.EDU
Tue Dec 27 20:30:11 UTC 2005

HDAS has "heads-up" = 'alert' from 1934 (Weseen _Dict. Slang_ 211 :
_Heads-up ball_ -- Good baseball playing).

[1914 _Washington Post_ 6 Nov. 8 (advt.) "Heads up". A baseball and
football term signifying alertness, action, &c. "Heads up" at P-B's
always; we're alert, anxious, and pleased to serve you.] [HNP Doc ID:

1919 _Sheboygan (Wisc.) Press_ 20 Sep. 3/4 The Reds, though outclassed
by the veteran White Sox team, played heads up ball all the way.

1919 _Boston Daily Globe_ 16 Nov. 18/1 Andover..played heads-up
football from the opening kickoff until the final whistler. [HNP Doc
ID 722502962]

--Ben Zimmer

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