Query: dating of "the ugly American"

Sam Clements SClements at NEO.RR.COM
Wed Feb 9 01:16:08 UTC 2005


With only a cursory search, I used "The ugly American" as a search term at
Proquest, and found:

_The Washington Post_  Aug. 1, 1937 Pg. B2/col. 1  (A story about Don Budge,
the tennis star, at Wimbleton)

"Wimbledon crowds that had watched with appreciative eyes the spirited and
determined play of the "ugly" American, in the challenge round against
England and the interzone round against Germany , reflected the world's
respect for the 22-year-old "veteran" by their frequent and congratulatory

I can't say that the use there is totally clear.  I'll leave that to others.

No doubt Ben will be along and provide much more.

Sam Clements

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cohen, Gerald Leonard" <gcohen at UMR.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 7:07 PM
Subject: Query: dating of "the ugly American"

> I was asked today whether the phrase "the ugly American" was used prior to
the 1958 book by that title authored by William J. Lederer and Eugene
> Would someone perhaps know?
> Gerald Cohen

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