neck-tie social (new sense?)

Barnhart barnhart at HIGHLANDS.COM
Wed Feb 9 12:12:45 UTC 2005

DARE has

necktie party (of course)
necktie frolic (Carson Valley News, 1876)
necktie sociable (Harper's New Monthly, 1871)
necktie party (National Geographic, 1882)
necktie social (n.q.--but ...

In the evening, Mr. Jas. Montgomery gave a necktie soical in aid of the
enterprise, realizing $11.65.  An extensive and bountiful table was set in
the school house, and, after ample justice was done to it, the meeting was
called to order by Mr. Chas. House, of Pigeon Lake, who discharged the
duties of chairman in a very able and most pleasing manner.  Manitoba
Daily Free Press, Jan. 15, 1880, p 1


barnhart at

American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> on Wednesday, February
09, 2005 at 4:11 AM -0500 wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster:       Michael McKernan <mckernan at LOCALNET.COM>
>Subject:      neck-tie carnival
>Seems to me that I have seen other instances of this euphemism for
>lynching, but I can't place them...
>Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
>[Winfield Kansas]
>>Our most excellent Sheriff's many warm friends in this community deeply
>>regret the terrible calamity that has befallen him. They are highly
>>incensed toward the
>>heartless villain who so desperately attacked his life. It was a thousand
>>pities that this embryonic desperado was not given the benefit of a
>>neck-tie carnival. While
>>we respect the law of the land, and believe in maintaining its dignity;
>>the same time we think it a wholesome idea to purify the country of
>>atrocious, reckless,
>>infamous dare-devils by summarily dispatching several of them in a manner
>>that would be a forcible reminder and an impressive warning to bandits,
>>outlaws, and
>>vicious characters generally. It is to be hoped that Cowley County will
>>not be thus ruthlessly deprived of her brave and noble Sheriff, and that
>>the feelings of her
>>honored citizens may not be sorely grieved by any sad ending of this
>>tragical affair. HORATIUS.
>Michael McKernan

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