Dialects in film

Joanne M. Despres jdespres at MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM
Tue Feb 22 20:24:51 UTC 2005

And, while we're on the subject of Mel Brooks, let's not forget the
"concierge" with the Brooklyn accent in "The Producers," who
complains at some length about the crazy Kraut's "boids."


On 22 Feb 2005, at 12:25, James Smith wrote:

> Let's not forget Cary Elwes in Mel Brooks' "Robin
> Hood, Men in Tights".  Elwes says he's the Robin Hood
> with the "English " accent, distinguishing himself
> from Kevin Costner in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves".
> --- Beverly Flanigan <flanigan at OHIOU.EDU> wrote:
> > I was joking, obviously!  (Or maybe not--I've gotta
> > learn to use those
> > smiley/winky faces.)
> >
> > At 11:37 AM 2/22/2005, you wrote:
> > > >>> flanigan at OHIOU.EDU 02/21/05 03:56PM >>>
> > >
> > >And was Brad Pitt supposed to sound Greek or
> > Trojan?! (I never saw the
> > >movie, thankfully!)
> > >
> > >How would anyone know? --What does (did) a Trojan
> > sound like?
> >
> =====
> James D. SMITH                 |If history teaches anything
> South SLC, UT                  |it is that we will be sued
> jsmithjamessmith at yahoo.com     |whether we act quickly and decisively
>                                |or slowly and cautiously.
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