Lemonade, made in the shade (1904); Church steeple & people

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Mon Jan 31 06:33:30 UTC 2005

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 01:17:27 -0500, Douglas G. Wilson <douglas at NB.NET> wrote:

>>At picnics you will sometimes hear the children say:
>>Made in the shade,
>>Stirred with a spade,
>>By an old maid.
>Is this the inspiration for "[somebody] has got it made in the shade" =
>"[somebody] has got it made"?

That's what is suggested by the HDAS entry for "have it made [in the
shade]", which lists in square brackets the exact quote that Barry gave
above but with the source as "1896 in Botkin _Treas. Amer. Folk._ 789".

--Ben Zimmer

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