
Mullins, Bill Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Fri Jul 1 22:24:37 UTC 2005

Apparently "tentpole" means "movie" here:

"In place of their usual reviews, some German broadsheets have printed
articles protesting the embargo policy. The Berliner Morgenpost compared
Paramount to the aliens in the film, looking to "achieve world

The embargo on reviews for the Tom Cruise tentpole comes straight from
Paramount in the U.S. and has been rolled out in Europe by distributor
United International Pictures.

According to Rob Friedman, vice chairman of the Paramount Motion Picture
Group, "Bascially, it has pretty much been the policy on all our movies
(to embargo reviews until opening day). Because of the movie's Wednesday
opening and the early premieres, we have been asking everyone to honor
review dates around the world, because we don't want to put anyone at a
disadvantage." "


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