He Says He Owns the Word 'Stealth' (Actually, He Claims 'Chutzpah,' Too)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Mon Jul 4 17:15:48 UTC 2005

This is an old story. People such as Stoller trademark a popular word such
as "stealth," claim they want to put it on everything under the sun, and then
claim they "own" the word. It's legitimate in a legitimate business (such as
"Microsoft"), but his only legitimate business is threatening to take people
to  court to shake them down for money.  I hope SONY fights and wins and
doesn't pay the legal extortion. You can't trademark a name like this. Heck, I  can
even make a movie called "Dracula."
I discussed "squared circle" many years ago, but didn't have that early a
date at that time. It was a popular title on newspaper boxing columns in New

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