Chicago hot dogs (1980);...

Cohen, Gerald Leonard gcohen at UMR.EDU
Wed Jun 1 15:58:00 UTC 2005

        Original message, from Barry Popik, June 1, 2005:
> ...
> Andy Smith thinks I should devote my time to food. As if this "hot dog" disaster could be any worse. Betcha no one quotes my "hot dog" book next month, in July.


Disaster?  The "hot dog" book was published last November and promptly received a newspaper article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  It was mentioned in the obituaries on David Shulman (one of the three co-authors).  I'm slated to talk about the subject next week at the DSNA annual conference (Dictionary Society of North America).  It's a required item to be consulted in any future scholarly treatment of "hot dog."

    Call that a good beginning.

Gerald Cohen
P.S. As for Barry's other work on food items, I already have enough preliminary material in Comments on Etymology to publish a book on the subject (with Barry listed as the author).  When time permits,

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